Thursday, October 6, 2011


Worse than DEPRESSION in 21st Century Hyper--tech LIVING is IRRITABLE LIVING CONDITION [I.L.C] ike IBS(Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
The modern World is a hostile environment for Peace loving Man/woman.
Rat-Race / Media excitation ( hormonal 'Hula-hoop'),competitive Living, Perceptual contradiction in home and outside.Corporate luring , Visual pricking etc , etc & etc.
The result ; no Norma being now exist on this GLOBE., without Depression Or IRRITABLE MIND.
History says : During Roman invasion of FRANCE announcement were made in Advance , advising the Parisians to lock their wives for the CAESAR was COMING.
Now there a TOP-Man in FRANCE whom ,Even, Russian PM is envying. That's OK for high ranking Poiiticians who have enough PAST Times.
But how an ordinary Citizen can spend long hours in the office thinking about Free 'Caesars ' roaming around with Drugs and drinks filling up within.
So !, IRRITABLE social conditions are Worse than DEPRESSION.
Otherwise every one capable of thinking suffers from Depression. Abe Lincoln had it ; Wis ton Churchill had Depression. And running away from Depression with Modern Drug may help you but never dream to b one like any of GREAT Men. for they all had it. -
The re would not be a SUN- RISE , without accepting the Darkness of Night.

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