Friday, September 16, 2011


Now the NEWS that American Pharmaceutical iindustries are not so much interested in searching out for new Anti -biotics because , being a short course drug , it is less profit- makers than long -long trerm or ife- long baits drugs like ANTI-Depressants.
Interesting and true !
Rat- Race and Mammon Hunger has affected all Globally and U.S.A even more in its days of Economic Crisis and deprssion.
Living in U S A for 16 yrs or more I have found that US is more Drug -dependedant and most Drug -abused Nation ( perhaps ) .
Second Vicious cycle for Americans are, I think , TERMINAL IILNESS, a condition in which once one is old and ill entera a medical programme -trap where he or she is not even allowed to die a Natural DEATH in home amongst loving friends , neighbours or reatives but die an assured or Insured death through a proces of extended and stretched terminal sort of SUSPENDED LIVING. More & more such conditionn can be extended, more proftable it is business wise.
Don't know if i had the right to make this statement without breaking my legal status . so I make it under !st Amendment.

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