Monday, October 17, 2011


HI, my imaginary Patients !---- R U all well ?
For seven days i ran away from the Blogs to wash , -clean, my I.Q -rags.
You all must have been better off without going through my wrong advices.

My experiences tell me that , --people other than doctors claim to know about Medicine , more more often than not.
If you tell or talk about even one of your ailments, neighbours will , rush in like ' Force-feeders ''to tell you more than what even a Specialist is expected to know .
Even the great man BankimChandra [ of "Bande Maa Ta Rom" --song; ( I spell according to phonetics not as the English masters designed for us) . Once he wrote that ; " If there is any thing in excess in the Universe - --;then it is inteligence itself &alone ! For, i have never come across a man who would admit that his intelligence is anyway less than any other " !
So ! respect their wisdom but decide things for your-self with some RATIONAL approach .
But the single advice : Just admit their better intelligence but try to follow your own wisdom..

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