Monday, October 29, 2012

    1. 'DEAD' DOCTOR ( M.D) OPENS HIS MOUTH =================================
      Not to TREAT BUT TO PREVENT _( don't ask for medicine but for prevention)
      There is no difference between Medicine and Poison--its is only in quality and quantity .Take a full chicken or 10 times any tablet or eat 25 Ros-Golla-s( Indian Sweel) single Dose and you will know )
      First Lesson :
      Any adu
      lt whose tummy at the belly-button-level measure more(in length) that of his chest ( Nipple level ) is Anti-Social ; i.e he he is eating more than he needs and also depriving the poor .
      As such irrespective of Income , --should pay $ 1000/=( Rs. 100o/= more ; ISI -equivqlent ) P.A . per inch +.
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