Friday, March 9, 2012

"  Aspirin may help fight  11 cancers" -The The Times   Of India , kolkata, Saturday , March 10, 2012, Front  page.
'ASPIRIN'  -never   dies and ever returns !
I , in spite with my M.D degree with Cardiology as specialised , have Retired and Given up Practice - more than 20 yrs now.
In student life  i learnt that Aspirin was discovered as a beneficial drug almost by accident (?on blind trial on Diabetic Patients ).
Even before and since, instead of being n the 'Obsolete' list  Aspirin has been re-incarnated myriad of times and even  found to be  essential or beneficial in so many  diseases , old and new.
  Now 'Ecotrin (U.S.A) and Ecospirin (India)i.e aspirin in 100 to 200 mg strength is competing even the 'Profit-Market ' of  long -term  Anti-depressive drugs !
 I have been  talking Ecotrin/Ecospirin  by my own choice, for many years  now(I am 80 +).
As a doctor in the past, I learnt that the important function of aspirin is that it stimulates the physiological level of Corticosteroid function even in ageing and degenerative phage of life  and is emergncy-friend[like USA 911] in many diseases, known  &  U-known !
  I advice all aging people (above 45) to  help themselves with a low dosage (70 to 80mg/day) to balace and for 'servicing' of their internal physical -world.

To me ,Aspirin  is like  Einstein's  Cosmological -Constant or Speed of  Light  that never dies inspite of  Expanding Uniniverse or  Experiment of CERN [with Neutrino].

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