Sunday, March 11, 2012

Your external physique and shape is nothing without your  VITAL  Organs. They are:
1 The Brain
ii. the Breathing organ  - the Lungs
iii. The heart - the central pump.
iv, the Liver -The metabolic, the storage,the 
    digestive ,the Detoxicating and Protective
v. The Excretory  organ --the kidney.
vi. finally the Reproductive organs -the testes/ovary,the genitals , the uterus.

[Endocrine  Glands deserve a V.I.P  Class and has been spoken of in another BLOG]

Longevity (Life span) of a being is 5-times the biological growth i.e 5 -into-25 =125(+/-) in case of man.
We live by assault (irregularity,addiction,negative passions, greed,imbalance, rat-race,jealousy etc. And then we  blame  our neighbours ,fate  or the Divine).
Finally  -'man is what  & how he eats and drink' (physical aspect affecting body & mind).
* I  used to tell my patients  and Students(medical) --'Income-Tax ' should be decided by the girth of the tummy also i.e Rs 1000/-(India) [ or $ 1000/-for Western-s] per month(duration) for every inch of one whose  tummy is larger than his chest (pregnancy --exempted).
Human-s are only a BI-PID (Two-legged)Animals with potential expanding Consciousness. That's all. Most of the other biological beings  have more sensory and executive potential than man. [shall write about on it some other time]
*** This is only a  lay-mans  soliliquy and not a scholarly exposure.

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