Friday, August 8, 2014

A new study published in the American Journal of Medicine has suggested that a high caffeine intake may actually be beneficial in terms of inner ear health. This study has found that women who consumed high amounts of caffeine, typically from coffee, were less likely to develop tinnitus.
Tinnitus refers to a constant buzzing or ringing in the ear. It has a number of different causes and ranges in severity. It can be present in one, or both ears, and can vary in pitch and volume as well. The most severe cases can interfere with a person’s ability to hear, work, and sleep.
It is not entirely clear why a relationship exists between tinnitus and caffeine, but researchers found that women who had a daily caffeine intake of less than 150mg (about a cup and half of coffee) were 15 percent more likely to develop tinnitus than women whose caffeine intake ranged from 450mg to 599mg per day. The study, which spanned a total of 18 years, included over 65,000 middle aged women. By the end of the 18 years, almost 5,300 of the women had reported having developed tinnitus.
Researchers are currently working to discover why it is that this link exists, and their focus includes caffeine’s effect on thecentral nervous system. It is a well-known fact that caffeine acts as a stimulant to the central nervous system. It has also been demonstrated through previous research that caffeine has a direct effect on the inner ear. These relationships have provided researchers with a platform on which to continue to build their studies.
Right now, the given results are not enough to prove a definite cause-effect link between caffeine and tinnitus. The authors of the study have said that before any solid conclusions can be reached, further research needs to be conducted.

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