Saturday, September 3, 2011


M.D in Medicine (cardiology)
A poet both in Bengali & English (Won awards and Medal)
An Artist, A sculptor , A play -wright, an Essayist, A short story writer,a satirist
One who can think on anything and complete it in a Circle.
A spiritualist and a student of Cosmology
And ...only 82 tears-young..
Introducing the SUBJECT :

DISEASE : Easy to Understand ..Just bisect it with your knife or axe i.e DIS -- - Ease
Dis - means means discomfort, or negative poise and
EASE means separated from comfort or state of not feeling well or conditioned with UN-easiness.
So SIMPLE you see ! Einstein told it long back about his theory That ; " make it simple ; but not simpler' ( Out of Later years) . Bye until Next Time !

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