Thursday, April 5, 2012


It  Quick , short  and Cost -effective  :

Any  tummy - girth that is  more than   38 " -  40 "  ( inch-scale)  in a person of 5 '-8" height  or more, should pay an Annual fine of  $ 12,000/-( 1ooo/- per An um)  for the period of his 'Health-offence' ( pregnancy & Path-tumours  excused) and irrespective of their financial status .
See  how things take  a turn  on this  Social  regulation. This  is PiBi's regime ( not like 'At -kins Diet ').

I think  people  die  more due to over-eating ( a Social offence) than from  Starvation and then blame their heart, kidney or neighbour.
Also, Over -drugging (too many),wrong medicines , high degree of affluence are other causes  of ill-health -mortality of Developed(+) Nations.

 Know if your tummy is bigger than your chest ( circumference) , you are  ' Anti - social ' on moral ground.
You have no right to eat more  than required , when half of the WORLD  is  starving, even  if you are a millionaire, honest  way or otherwise.


Monday, April 2, 2012

While i U.S.A,  ( 1993 --- 2008  ), I heard a lot about "At kin's  Diet'  advocating almost all protein and least Carbohydrate.  Even, Mr . At kin( ?-son) was living then and  Americans  were  mesmerised by his Diet advice .
Even my  own daughter was a big fan  and hated  Rice &  Roti ( but never  said ' No !'  to  Indian Sweets ). That  great  and rich  and successful  talent  did not out -live his own regime.

But now, my advice to all Americans , now;
 If you are  between 25  and 50 Age group, did not or do not have Diabetic parents  ,  are within good parameter of  Normal Health ( The word - NORMAL is a RANGE and  never a fixed point ), and if you  have too much wok-stress  on Brain , than physical,---  e.g Accounting , Research Or more particularly  Computer/Internet etc, do not  hesitate or feel bound only to High Protein--no Carbohydrate Diet-Mantra .

Modern Medicine declared for quite sometimes, that  Brain cells are strictly vegetarian---do  not  'touch or take Chicken , ham or beef but devour GLUCOSE   like the way Sharks devour  Aquatic flesh  or the meat of you and me.
A high grade Computer surfer often feels ( if you experienced ,heard or ever  researched ) dizzy  or lack of concentration . And the reason is more likely that his  blood sugar level drops down like a Deep-Sea Diver.
           if you happen  to be one of those victim, at such , time  (just test on the spot your Blood-Sugar with a Portable Glucometer ) take 2/3 spoon s of  glucose , wait  and see how your  lethargy and lack of concentration vanishes.
  In hard and tough brain-taxed jobs , it  easy to acquire high  Blood-pressure and  less chance to get  DIABETES !